HTML5, Interests

HTML5 Survey: My Site


Name: John

Site Chosen:



  • What makes this site attractive to a user?


The image at the front catches the viewer’s eye. It’s a simple website which is nice


  • What does this site do differently than other websites?


It has cool information about making a musical and the cool collabs that jean mcnealy has done throughout lo-flo records career.


  • If you could use one feature or aspect of this website in your own, what would it be? I would use the cool art and the way that the pictures text move when you scroll





I enjoy listening to, and playing music. I love music because it can take me away from whatever is going on around me.

I became interested in music when  I heard Iron Maiden for the first time. It inspired to try and learn music. Ever since then I’ve branched out to other genres.

Image result for travis scott live

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